6 Reasons Why Having Small Boobs is Great!


I don't normally create posts like this but I've so often felt a little down about being a member of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee that I thought it would help boost my confidence by listing a few pros of having a smaller bust. I would just jot these down in my diary but by creating a small blog post, hopefully I can inspire others to love their bodies a little more. 

1. You want that bra? You go get that bra!
Us tiny tiddies' can pretty much get away with wearing any kind of bra. We can even fool people into thinking we have a bigger chest with push ups and chicken fillets. The best thing for me is that we can go strapless or backless, or better still, completely bra-less!! I really don't like seeing bra straps with strappy or strapless tops, such a pet hate of mine, so the majority of my summer bra stash consists of lovely strapless pieces. 

2. Sweet dreams on your front.
This is another biggy for me. I like to sleep slightly on my front, slightly on my side, if I had bigger boobies it just would not be comfortable what so ever. And like, where would you put your arm?! 

3. There's no need to worry about the lads, gals.
You've still got a handful, even if it is wee! Go teach yo man not to be so damn greedy. My face is up here. Some of the most gorgeous, famous women in the world are a member of the IBTC too! Think of Kate Moss and Mila Kunis for starters. 

4. Wear anything you mother ducking want.
Similar with the bra sitch, I think we can wear anything we want. No fears of popping out in low cut numbers, we look lovely and slender all the way down and super youthful. Sports bra? What's that? Whack ANY bikini on you want and go ride a bike! Go for a jog, it won't matter! Those girls are not going no-where. If I like something, I'll get it, usually without trying it on. I don't need specific clothing to cater to my chest and waist, "oh that won't fit my boobs" said no tiny boob woman, ever. 

5. Saggy boobs? What saggy boobs?
Even though most of us don't like thinking about getting ancient, especially since most of us have only just grown our boobs in the last decade, one huge 'little' plus about our tiny t's is that we will not be sagging! I reckon it will also help with back and posture issues - #winning. 

6. Dance like nobody's watching!
My favourite. Run, jump, workout, dance and boogie all day/night long with your little boobies without the worry of injuring yourself or creating a scene for a different reason. Ever heard of Flappers? They were 1920's girls who danced the night away and they were all flat chested. Even the fuller breasted girls tried to tape down their boobs so they could join in. 

So, go grab any bra you want, whack on any clobber you want and go enjoy yourself by doing whatever you want without worrying about your girls. Your reward? They won't embarrass you and they won't be twinning with your knees by 60. Love those iddy liddle lumps. 

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  1. Sometimes smaller is better! I wish I had smaller boobs so I could pull off being braless without anyone noticing (but not like it should matter anyways!)

    Rae // http://www.raechic.com

    1. I don't think any size is better, these are just points that help me love myself a little more :) I'm sure you & your boobies are absolutely beautiful! Here's to going bra-less!! X
