I was lucky enough to be gifted Magnitone's pulsar to review how it aids the application of fake tan, exfoliates and smooths natural tan and how it helps eliminate symptoms of shaving such as skin irritation. This post will briefly review what I think of the product so far and how it works. So if you were thinking of getting a Magnitone Pulsar to perfect your skin, this mini review might help to answer some of your questions.
Disney's Magic Kingdom |
Hello! I wanted to do a little update post today, since today marks two weeks until the magic beings!
If you've been following my blog, you'll know the last CEP post I created was about booking my tour with STA for after the program. Today's post will detail all the little things I've organized and bought in the final run up to the big day. If you're thinking of doing this program in the future, this is probably a really important post, for those of you who are not - this may be a tad boring!! So I've added some pretty pictures of my last trip to WDW to break up this rather lengthy post of boring but important stuff.
Summer is coming! And your hair can also make the most of those summer months! When you read this post, you'll either be like "duh, everyone knows that" or completely amazed, I'm thinking...
You're probably aware of the increasingly different types of earrings that are around today. From the traditional chandelier to the new craze of the dermal punch jewellery. But what suits us best? This post is going to look at some hoops, studs and cuffs which I was lucky enough to be sent from Touchstone Accessories to blog about. So this is the start of my blogging collaboration using this set of samples. Today's post will explain the simple art of choosing the right earrings to complement your style, complexion and face shape! When buying earrings, we probably tend to pick up anything that we initially like - of course there is nothing wrong with this! But if you want to make to most of your facial features with the help of earrings, read on..
I got this adorable journal for my birthday this year. I asked for it after seeing it on Instagram (where else) and thought it was a really cute way to note down my thoughts.